how to apply
Due to high demand to attempt the Arch 2 Arc challenge there is now an application process in place. There are no slots remaining for 2026 (although you can request to be on the waitlist).
We strongly encourage anyone interested in a 2027/2028 attempt to apply asap. If you have previously applied, we ask you to re-apply using this form, so we have the most up-to-date information.
Enduroman will carefully consider athletes from all sporting backgrounds and at any level who are willing to participate, communicate, and enter into the journey with us. The Arch2Arc is not something easily undertaken and may take many years to accomplish. We are always happy to give advice to those struggling to meet the minimum physical requirements and are especially pleased when success is achieved after a long struggle.
Read the relevant pages on the Enduroman website and follow links to ensure you understand what you are entering into. If you cannot find an answer to a question on the website then please contact us. We are always happy to hear from interested athletes.
Once you are satisfied you understand what is involved, decide when you would like to make your challenge attempt. Depending on your background, we would recommend allowing 1-2 years to build the sea swimming experience needed to attempt a Channel swim. If you are at all uncertain about your experience, again, contact us and we can help advise you.
Register your interest for a slot with Enduroman using the Interested Athletes Form. The form requests some information regarding your previous sporting achievements and your motivations for attempting the challenge, as well as your preferred year of attempt.
Enduroman will then contact all registered athletes with an application form. Return the completed application form along with the application fee (currently £300 for 2023/24 bookings). The application fee will be refunded if your application is unsuccessful.
If your application is successful Enduroman will notify you in the March/April of the year before your attempt. This gives accepted athletes a full 15 months notice to prepare.
If your application is unsuccessful Enduroman will inform you. As an alternative, you may be offered either a reserve slot (on standby in case someone drops out of the registration process) or a booking for the following year, or if neither of these then your booking fee will be returned to you. These options can be discussed at the time if needed
The A2A is massively over subscribed and because of this a lot of applications fail. It's not personal. However, the best way to get a slot is to come to the Lanzarote camp or Ultra so we can get to know you. This doesn't guarantee anything, but it can help.
The Enduroman Arch 2 Arc is an extreme endurance challenge.
Solo athletes who choose to accept this challenge should be experienced in ultra distance events. Evidence of long swims, runs and bikes will be required prior to any application for a slot being accepted by Enduroman. In the year of their attempt athletes must complete a qualification sea swim of 6 hours in a water temperature of 16 degrees or less, though in no way should this be taken as the minimum level of swim training required for a successful Channel swim.
Standard Relay team members should be comfortable over an Olympic distance triathlon. They must complete a 2 hour qualification swim in the year of their attempt.
The fitness and experience required for Tag Relay team members depends on the team strategy. Team members intending to swim must complete either a 2 or 6 hour qualification swim in the year of their attempt.
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