About the challenge
The Enduroman Arch 2 Arc challenge is a journey that connects two of the world's most beautiful cities, London and Paris, by running, swimming and cycling. The clock begins ticking when the athlete sets off from Marble Arch in London and doesn't stop until they reach the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.
Only 60 athletes have successfully completed the challenge and, of those, seven have finished it without a wetsuit.
The Arch 2 Arc is a unique experience that never unfolds the same way twice…
more than just a triathlon…
The Uncontrollables:
Arch 2 Arc is a unique challenge that never unfolds the same way twice. Its route through 2 major cities and across the English Channel means that athletes who take it on face the possibility of uncertain start times, delays in Dover due to unforeseen changes in the weather, route deviations on the bike course and difficulties entering central Paris when pollution levels are high. These uncertainties are part and parcel of the Arch 2 Arc experience.
Enduroman's Philosophy:
Our guiding philosophy is to accept that each attempt is unique with some conditions working in the athlete's favour and some against. While Enduroman cannot control the weather, car access to central Paris or routing for the Tour de France, we aim to create a level playing field in how we deal with elements outside of our control and so treat all challengers equally. We adhere to our rules and will not stop the timing clock until the challenger reaches the Arc de Triomphe.
Our Commitment to Athletes
From the first point of contact we aim to ensure that athletes fully inform themselves about what they are entering into. During an athlete's preparation we are always available to answer any question on the challenge or its logistics. And during the attempt itself we will use our experience and expertise to guide the athlete through any obstacles encountered.
The 3 Challenge Formats:
The solo athlete completes each section of the challenge, resting as necessary at Dover and Calais up to the maximum time allowable under the rules.
Standard Relay
Relay team members run, swim and cycle for 1 hour at a time. The changeover order is agreed before the start of each section of the challenge.
The maximum team size is 4 athletes. However Enduroman may consider larger teams of up to 6 athletes in certain circumstances, for example if the athletes have disabilities, on a case by case basis.
Tag Relay
Tag relay is a very flexible format where team members can choose to do any or all of the 3 disciplines. The team can tag at any time (in a safe location) and in any order. The only stipulation is a maximum team size of 4 athletes.
For example, a 3 man tag team could have athletes 1 and 2 tackling the run down to Dover, athlete 3 completing a solo swim and then finish with all team members taking a turn in the cycle. There are many possible team strategies!
Race Director, Edgar Ette, designed and completed the first solo Enduroman Arch to Arc crossing and held the record for more than 10 years. He and his team will be involved with you and your challenge planning right from the day your application has been accepted.
Enduroman understand your dream and want to see you succeed.
As well as providing advice on every aspect of your preparation, Enduroman will be there to oversee your attempt itself. An Enduroman team member will accompany you on each of the stages of your journey to Paris, assisting with the course route navigation and liaising with your support crew.
This is your chance to become one of the few people who have completed the Enduroman Arch 2 Arc, one of the world's toughest endurance tests.
It is also an ideal opportunity to raise money for a charity of your choice. Enduroman are proud of the amount of money raised by Arch 2 Arc athletes over the years and will provide regular updates on social media during your challenge attempt to aid your fund raising efforts.
If you have any questions at all, please contact Enduroman.
The Enduroman Arch 2 Arc is an extreme endurance challenge.
Solo athletes who choose to accept this challenge should be experienced in ultra distance events. Evidence of long swims, runs and bikes will be required prior to any application for a slot being accepted by Enduroman. In the year of their attempt athletes must complete a qualification sea swim of 6 hours in a water temperature of 16 degrees or less, though in no way should this be taken as the minimum level of swim training required for a successful Channel swim.
Standard Relay team members should be comfortable over an Olympic distance triathlon. They must complete a 2 hour qualification swim in the year of their attempt.
The fitness and experience required for Tag Relay team members depends on the team strategy. Team members intending to swim must complete either a 2 or 6 hour qualification swim in the year of their attempt.
the run: London
87 miles from Marble Arch in London to Dover.
The run route takes challengers through the busy streets of central London and out through the suburbs into Kent. It is not flat; a few hills will test tired legs. Folkestone provides the first glimpse of the sea, but there remains one last climb and some miles to go before reaching Dover. The run finishes at the beachfront by the harbour.
the swim: english channel
The English Channel is one of the most challenging long-distance swims globally because of the water temperature and tides.
Arch 2 Arc challengers can choose to wear a wetsuit (or not) for this leg. The shortest distance between the English and French coasts is 21 miles, but the tides' effects mean that swim tracks will be longer than this.
the bike: paris
181 miles from Calais to the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.
The bike ride is the final victory push to Paris. The route follows the rolling coast road from Calais, giving challengers the chance to ride alongside the Channel before turning inland. The route descends into villages and climbs numerous times again before finally flattening just outside Paris. From then, it's a case of traffic, lights and cobblestones until the finish at the Arc de Triomphe.
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